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Manila palms, dwarf date palms, iris, dwarf pittosporum and mondo grass make this another low maintaince landscape. The landscaper used moss rocks as a border of the 'stream' and the river rock as the water making this landscape water conservative.

Manila palms, dwarf date palms, iris, dwarf pittosporum and mondo grass make this another low maintaince landscape. The landscaper used moss rocks as a border of the ‘stream’ and the river rock as the water making this landscape water conservative.



This landscape by Brian Cordero of Hawaii Landscape Management Group makes use of large moss rock and river rock to mimic a river bed. Ornamental Taro, Cordyline (Ti), iris, ginger and ferns give this low maintenance landscape a lush look.

This landscape by Brian Cordero of Hawaii Landscape Management Group makes use of large moss rock and river rock to mimic a river bed. Ornamental Taro, Cordyline (Ti), iris, ginger and ferns give this low maintenance landscape a lush look.