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Orange Bulbine

Posted by on Dec 7, 2015 in All, Ground Cover, Shrubs, Succulents | 0 comments


Orange Stalked Bulbine, bulbine frutescens. A succulent ground-cover, has narrow fleshy bright green foot-long leaves, arranged in opposite rows to form open rosettes and spreads by rhizomes to create 2 to 3 foot wide clumps.
Orange flowers are 6-petaled and star-like with frilly yellow stamens atop long stalks that rise above the foliage and bloom all year. No known pest problems. Plant in full sun to light shade in well-drained soil, provide occasional to very little irrigation. Evergreen and hardy. Looks much like a low shrub, makes this a well rounded landscape plant! Evergreen, Succulent, Height 1-2 feet, Width: 4-5 feet, full sun exposure, Drought Tolerant, Low Water.