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Red Torch Ginger

Posted by on Dec 8, 2015 in All, Ginger & Heliconia | 0 comments

~ Red Torch Ginger

Etlingera elatior

This is one of the world’s most splendid flowers. The torch itself has a large red head. It will give you one of the most brilliant flowers imaginable with a dazzling mass display of bracts in a bright red cone shape. The flower is borne on a leafless stem that arises straight out of the ground. Has a smooth textured, broad, dark green leaves. Its inflorescence makes like the Red Torch Ginger a good cut flower. When the flower has finished a decorative seed head spike remains. When mature, the torch ginger blooms all year round in the tropics.

Height: 12-15 ft.

Spacing: 4-6 ft; 6-8 ft.

Sun Exposure: Sun to Partial Shade; Light Shade; Partial to Full Shade