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Plumeria Pudica

Posted by on Dec 7, 2015 in All, Trees | Comments Off on Plumeria Pudica

~ Plumeria Pudica

Bridal Bouquet.  Perfect accent plant for small yard or patio, this plant blooms year-round, almost non-stop.  Rare species and beautiful this plumeria is evergreen, never drops leaves, and looks very tropical and ornamental.  Large clusters of bright white 3″ flowers with small yellow or pink centers cover this tree as a beautiful bouquet, hence the common name.  Growth habit: medium sized tree with profuse branching, growth is rapid and upright. Leaves are dark green and unique fiddle-shaped, or spoon-shaped.  Can be planted in ground in zones 9-11, or cultivated as a potting culture.  This plant is very easy to grow, and unlike other plumerias, it doesn’t get insect or fungus problems.  Somewhat drought tolerant and doesn’t require any Plumeria Dwarf Singaporespecial care.  Tolerates light shade.





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